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主营产品:塑胶地板 医用扶手 外墙钢板 软木地板 卷帘门 tajima floor
橡胶地板 医院手术室 共用建筑 remp floor 蓝普地板

橡胶地板 医院手术室 共用建筑 remp floor 蓝普地板

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产地 意大利 品牌 蓝普 remp 标准 优质 表面形状 多样 等级 特等 风格 多样 耐磨性 优质 耐磨转数 高 适用范围 优等 特殊用途 耐磨 图案 无;其他 颜色 多样 材质 橡胶 地板厚度 2mm remp s.p.a. was born in 1986, from the separation of several societies of the everest group. since its origi it has been characterized by the high quality of its products and for the absolute reliability of the materials used, becoming in few time the leader in the rubber manufactoring. the uni en iso 9001 quality certification confirms the high level quality achieved in the study, the production and the commercialization of rubber goods. remp mission is to be the leader in the manufacturing of rubber products for technical items and for the building, footwear and car industry, and for its innovative equipment used for rubber compounds. remp has important referencies in europe, north and south america, middle east and asia. europe italy, united kingdom, portugal, greece, finland, luxembourg, switzerland, austria, sweden, france, germany, spain, netherlands, belgium, denmark, iceland, norway, cyprus, turkey, romania. middle east and africa israel, united arab emirates, lebanon, tunisie, egypt, kuwait, qatar, sudan. east europe latvia, estonia, bulgary, russia. asia taiwan, hong kong, australia, south korea, malaysia, singapore, japan, phillippines, china. america usa, canada, mexico, venezuela. remp 公司 于 1986 年由 everest 集团 旗下数家公司业务分离而成立。 自此以来, remp 一直因其产品的质量和所用材料的可靠性而备受赞誉。 2001 年 4 月,我们通过了 uni en iso 9001 质量系统认证 ,证明了 remp 始终 在橡胶产品的设计和开发、生产和贸易方面所力求的优异质量。 2004 年 3 月,我们在橡胶和类似用品的设计、开发、生产、贸易和客户满意度方面,获得 uni en iso 9001 : 2000 质量管理系统证书。这反映了 remp 长期以来秉承的高标准。 使命: 我们的使命是在 橡胶地板的生产方面,技术类、鞋类和汽车行业橡胶产品的生产方面,以及将橡胶化合物应用于不同领域的创新开发方面, 都成为世界。 remp 在欧洲、美洲、中东和亚洲开展过重大参考工程项目。 欧洲: 意大利、英国、葡萄牙、希腊、芬兰、卢森堡、瑞士、奥地利、瑞典、法国、德国、西班牙、荷兰、比利时、丹麦、冰岛、挪威、塞浦路斯、土耳其、罗马尼亚、拉脱维亚、 爱沙尼亚、保加利亚、俄罗斯、克罗地亚、斯洛文尼亚、塞尔维亚、捷克、爱尔兰。 中东和非洲: 以色列、阿联酋、黎巴嫩、突尼斯、埃及、科威特、卡塔尔、苏丹。 亚洲: 台湾地区、香港地区、韩国、马来西亚、新加坡、日本、菲律宾、大陆。 美洲: 美国、加拿大、墨西哥、委内瑞拉 rubber floorings a wide range of rubber flooring, in tiles and rolls, in an exteive collection of colou and for every imaginable use such as gym flooring, safety floor, fashion floo, airport flooring, healthcare flooring... rubber flooring has the following characteristics: durable. the high level of abrasion resistance of rubber enables use in very heavy traffic areas for an extremely long period of time. reduces noise. the rubber"s natural elasticity reduces noise up to 18 db. free from pvc and haloge. non slip floor surface. the rubber guarantees a higher level of slip resistance than required by international standards. fire resistant. rubber flooring, in addition to adhering to the maximum requirements of international standards, guarantees low opacity and smoke toxicity in case of fire. antistatic. the rubber protects use from electric shock. cigarette burn resistant. no trace is left on the floor surface. smooth rubber flooring smooth surface rubber floor covering produced in wide dimeion rolls and in tiles , useful also for raised - access floo. a wide range of patter, colou and thickness to meet all possible technical and aesthetic requirements. specific qualities for special requirements such as electrostatic dissipation or noise reduction are available. raw materials are natural or synthetic rubber. the manufacturing of planway does not use or produce any type of strongly polluting substances as they are essentially based on thermal and mechanical processes. planway smooth rubber flooring employs the best quality of natural and synthetic rubber with reinforcing mineral charges and colour pigments, chosen from substances which do not cause advee environmental impact during production and the product&quo;s long life. remp planway floorings do not contain substances like: pvc haloge formaldehyde asbestos cadmium cfc plastic monome rubber flooring a wide range of rubber floorings, in tiles and rolls, in an exteive collection of colou and for every imaginableuse. technical articles remp is now operating in the moulding sector and in the marketing of rubber articles for several applicatio. latex arch supports important international shoe manufacture use our latex arch supports, which are waterproof and guaranteed to fit comfortably. rubber compounds after many yea of experience remp s.p.a. has developed a wide range of rubber compounds (over 300).

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主营:塑胶地板 医用扶手 外墙钢板 软木地板 卷帘门 tajima floor